Living in relationship with the fragility of life

A holistic fertility journey

Four Septembers ago, my husband and I gathered our families and friends for a weekend-long celebration of love in the southern Catskills. My 93-year old Babci (Polish for “grandmother”) blessed our meal with a tucked-in prayer for “more blessings to come,” (with a wink and a hand over her belly). We welcomed the well wishes for an expanded family, as it was exactly the path we hoped to walk down. After all, my Babci gave birth to eight children, who multiplied by the dozens. My mother gave birth to three, my sister to two, and family is at the core of my husband’s values as well. Although we weren’t coming in with some idealized version of parenthood — getting there, in the first place — never occurred to us as a mountain we’d have to climb.

Read the whole story here


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